About Saiban
Saiban For Orphan, Unaccompanied and Abandoned Children is a global project of Baitussalam Welfare Trust that is providing comprehensive ‘kafalat’ to the thousands of Muslim orphan, unaccompanied and abandoned children, who are victim of acute poverty, war, and displacement; and are in dire need of support for their protection, nourishment, growth, and well-being.

The Muslim Orphans
In the last half a century, millions of Muslims have died due to poverty, natural disasters, and armed conflicts in many Muslim majority countries including Pakistan, Kashmir, Rohingya, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Central Asia, Cambodia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a result, millions of Muslim children are orphaned, unaccompanied, and abandoned to suffer displacement, homelessness, malnutrition, stunted growth, poor health, illiteracy, child labour, marginalisation, abuse and violence in all shapes and forms. According to UNICEF, almost 10,000 children become orphans every day. Only in Pakistan, there are more than 4.6 Million orphan children mostly under the age of 17. Ensuring physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual well-being of these Muslim orphan children is the responsibility of the Muslim Ummah. Saiban mission is to remind Muslim Ummah of their duty to protect the Future of Islam by protecting and nurturing these millions of destitute orphan Muslim children.
Following are the number of challenges that are faced by orphans from low-income afamilies particularly in Pakistan:
1. Shelter: Homelessness, inadequate living standards, and profound sense of insecurity.
2. Healthcare: Lack of affordability of healthcare services results in malnourishment, chronic diseases, depression, and lack of vaccination against preventable diseases.
3. Child labor & violence: Orphans from poor families with low literacy face domestic pressure to engage in child labor to survive and support family. They also face violence, abuse and stigmatization at home, school, work place and neighborhood. This results in for orphans to adopt an unhealthy and antisocial lifestyle.
4. Education: Poor orphans are deprived of access to education due to affordability and are more likely to drop out from school after losing their parent.
5. Registered birth and national identity: Many poor orphan children lack birth certificate or B-Forms or any form of birth record. Their identity do not exist in NADRA system which means no education, no protection from the government and children may suffer from social, political and economic exclusion.
6. Inheritance: To deprive widow and her orphan children to claim any assets or property in inheritance, the in-laws deprive widows to get death certificate of their deceased husbands.
Saiban ensures that all orphan children registered in Saiban are:
1. Registered in NADRA system as citizen of Pakistan with correct information of their deceased father.
2. Provided proper care in terms of shelter, living, food, clothing, recreation, medical care etc.
3. Pursuing formal education (taleem and tarbiyah) and skills development opportunities without any facing any financial or other challenges.

If you know any deserving family with orphan which requires financial or in-kind support, please whatsapp/sms the following to:
Our Saiban team will contact the guardian and register them after home assessment.
You can contribute in transforming the lives of many Muslim orphans by pledging your support to Saiban For Orphan by Baitussalam. This support can be in the form of Sadaqat that will be spent in compliance with Shariah laws under the supervision of qualified Ulema.
Orphan Kafalat Services | Per Month | |
1 | Monthly Kafalat of families with Orphans: (Saiban teams conduct thorough assessment of deserving families with orphans and determine the monthly support for the family in the form of aid in cash or in kind to support their shelter and basic living needs, food ration, as well as monthly educational and medical expenses. The monthly kafalat package per family ranges between Rs.5,000 to Rs. 15,000 depending on their existing socioeconomic conditions. ) |
Rs.5,000 to Rs. 15,000 |
Infrastructure Projects | Per Square Ft | Total | |
1 | Construction of Orphanage 40,000 sq ft (Baitussalam is planning construction of an orphanage for unaccompanied orphan children in Pakistan.) |
Rs. 3,000 | Rs. 99,000,000 |
Donations Account
Bank: Meezan
Account # 0127-0104048083
IBAN: PK78MEZN0001270104048083
Zakat Account
Bank: Meezan
Account # 0127-0104048079
IBAN: PK89MEZN0001270104048079
Shariah Disclaimer
1 | If due to unavoidable reasons, funds could not be utilized in the prescribed donation head, trust is allowed to spend it in any required project as per Shariah. |
2 | It is the donor's responsibility to inform the trust about donation category within seven days, otherwise the trust is authorized to spend it on any project. |
Process for Registration
1 | Visit www.saiban.baitussalam.org |
2 | Click Fill this form tab. |
3 | Save and print the online form (3 pages) after correctly filling all the
information. |
4 | Get the printed form signed and attested with stamp by the following
persons: a. Principal/Administrator of the School that the child is attending b. Imam of the local masjid c. Local counsellor or government officer (Grade 17 or above) | ||
5 | Scan the following documents together and make one combined pdf file (8
pages to 10 pages) a. Scanned copy of the Saiban Registration Application Form (All 3 pages) b. Current passport size picture of the child c. B-Form issued by NADRA d. Copy of CNIC of deceased father e. Copy of CNIC of mother f. Death Certificate of the deceased father g. In case, mother is deceased, death certificate of the deceased mother h. In case, the financial support is provided by someone other than the mother, please provide copy of CNIC of the guardian of the orphan child. |
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6 | Re-visit www.saiban.baitussalam.org | ||
7 | Click on the Documents Upload /Application Status tab | ||
8 | Punch in the form number available on the printed form and click the Submit tab | ||
9 | Click the Upload Documents tab, upload the scanned pdf document and click the Submit tab | ||
10 | You will receive the message that “Your application is successfully completed”. | ||
11 | Please keep the original copy of the Application Form in your records. In case, your application is approved, the management will ask to submit the original copy of form. | ||
12 | Depending on the number of applications received, the review process of the application and the decision may take between 7 to 30 working days. You shall be approached by the representatives of the Saiban program through email or sms in case your application is accepted. |
Terms & Condition for Registration
1 | This form will be filled by the mother of the orphan child. If the mother is
deceased, then the legal custodian /guardian of the child will fill this
form. |
2 | In the first round of new registration, children below the age of 12 will be registered in the Saiban Program. | ||
3 | The maximum age limit to receive the Saiban support is 15 years. | ||
4 | The registration of the child shall be cancelled who has discontinued formal education. | ||
5 | In the first round of registration, the application of children involved in child labour, business or earning from any means shall not be entertained. | - | |
6 | In the first round of registration, preference shall be given to children whom mothers have not remarried after the death of child’s real father. |